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& Club Kit

Apart from the well documented health & fitness benefits of participating in an activity, joining DCC will give you a reason to buy another bike, increased levels of laughter (sarcasm), shave your legs, enjoyment (more sarcasm) and providing you the opportunity post ride to consume your body weight in cake.

Membership: Text


  • Wave to other cyclists, and maybe even crack a smile.

  • Don't undertake trucks, and watch out for car doors.

  • Respect pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.

  • Stay visible when riding in the dark.

  • Have fun and enjoy the ride. 

  • And please don't litter.

Membership: Video


The Benefits of being a member of DCC

A Rapha DCC water bottle & cap. Join a British Cycling affiliate club. Annual social events and awards night. Annual Hill Climb & GC Club competition. Join a CTT cycling time trail affiliate club. Monthly DCC Strava QOM/KOM competition. Increase your motivation by joining the DCC on Strava. Weekly bunch rides led by our resident ride leader. DCC weekly recovery ride on Zwift.

At Extra Cost.

An awesome club kit, annual club training week & weekend.

At No Extra Cost.

Attractive tan lines, years of cycling experience, increased possibility of divorce and a backside that resembles a piece of leather.

Still unconvinced - The Club allows two trial rides for you to experience DCC and bunch riding. We then ask you to become a DCC member, join British Cycling and purchase the club kit.

18+ DCC Annual fee £59.99

Membership: About Us

DCC Strava Challenge

  • The DCC Strava challenge runs throughout the year.

  • A different segment every month for each category. 

  • All ride data must be uploaded onto club Strava.

  • It's for fun, or a humble brag and maybe a prize.

  • The categories are Sprint & KOM/QOM.

  • Open to current members. 

  • Solo efforts only.

Membership: Image
Membership: Gallery
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